Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful: Catch up days 2-5

November 23rd

    So each day I continue to post on both of my pages on Facebook the various things I am thankful for. Just to catch up on days 2-5.

Day 2: Thankful for his love and acceptance--See the pic, view the link or follow below*
-This man accepts me and loves me purely. He sings made up songs with me, laughs with/at me, let's me rant like a lunatic, and supports me.
-Best of all he LOVES me inside and out for the less than perfect person I am. For that I am ever grateful because in this crazy world we all need a few good people in our corner.

Day 3: Thankful for friends--See the pic, view the link or follow below*
-Sometimes in life people come and go. The best don't just have to be the ones who always stayed, there is so much merit in crediting those that returned to your life. For my close friends Bekka and Zac I am ever thankful.

Day 4: Thankful for my health & life med free!--See the pic, view the link or follow below*

-For a while I have strived to forgo the medication dependency I developed. In my teenage years I always suffered from migraines and had various medications on and off for them. I accepted medication as the solution because many other family members I knew were plagued by migraines.-In my early 20s I was put to daily anxiety medication. I hated it and quit cold turkey. This proved a bad idea. A panic attack at work a couple years back led to temporary hand and mouth paralysis. It terrified me back into the world of meds. This time on an as needed medication despite my doctor's reservation.
-Now i can say i have been Xanax free for 2 years. Aside from a set back here or there I have also taken myself off of migraine medication. I attribute this to healthier lifestyle choices. I eat better and live a more active life and it makes all the difference. I overall feel like a better version of myself and for this I am so grateful.

Day 5: Thankful for my brother & our bond/friendship--See the pic, view the link or follow below*

-When I was 11 my mom told me she was going to be having another baby. I was crushed. I figured this baby was about to steal my best friends (my parents) away from me and life as I knew it was over.-Now that the baby is a young man of 16, I laugh at these thoughts of unjustice. Watching my brother grow up has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I lost nothing, I gained a new best friend, I gained so much more than I 'lost'.
-Now my always drilled into our brains to be close, but I think our bond has in some ways exceeded her expectations. Despite a 12 year difference we still share interests, adventures, and secrets with one another. We know the other has our back. Our memories together leave other siblings envious.
-I am so proud to call such an amazing young man my brother and my friend. To many more adventures, Dev. Love Sissa.

Noteworthy: My page is also where you can find up to date information on up and coming challenge/accountability groups I will be running. In addition I hope for this to be a place for humor, inspiration, fitness ideas, nutrition, so on and so forth. Feel free to follow, comment, and be a part of it all with me :)

Last but certainly not least I have finished the 21 day fix (although I still did the Monday workout this morning). I will be posting pictures tomorrow once I have edited the before, middle, and final results into a nice little collage to show the whole progress.

Stay tuned
Thanks for reading

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