Monday, November 16, 2015

Being "Too"

My reason why
     Throughout most of my life I have suffered from being "too." This came from external and internal perceptions of my life and how I lead it. I have been "too loud" and worried "too much." I've cussed "too much" and been "too much." In my teens I felt "too chubby" and often now I am called "too skinny." It may come off as a bit dramatic but when you break it down, I am sure you can also think of a time when you have also suffered from being "too."

  As Danielle Laporte once wrote 'You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge."  As I am growing and coming more and more into my own I can see how true this statement is. When we are young as cliche as it seems, and no matter how adamantly one may deny it, a piece of us just wants to fit in. When you get older you just want to be something different than another 30, 40, 50+ year old.

     In addition of being "too" I also had the joy of a variety of health related issues. This ranges from  unhealthy eating habits to physical/emotional ailments. I have been known to overeat and emotional eat when bored or stressed. I have had knee issues since I was about 12, migraines, and my all-time favorite (not really) anxiety/panic disorder.  I've been on daily medications, as needed medications, and over the counter medications. 

    The culmination of all these issues is what got me interested in fitness. This is my reason WHY so to speak. It was a slow growth to get to where I am now where I feel completely empowered and passionate about my health and fitness. Is this my destination? Heck no. I expect to flop and flounder here and there because well, that's life. Right now I have successfully watched what I ate and worked out 15 days straight using 21 day fix. But I am not stopping here. I am going back to my normal gym workouts after this program; incorporating the 21 day fix workouts;  keeping with my knowledge of proper portions; and pushing onward to the best me I can be. I have a new fire** in me for fitness and I cannot wait to see how much more I grow and improve from here.

Thank you for your time.
Tiesha Braley

** Read next entry titled 'my fire' to learn more about my journey and what lead me to my new desire for a better and healthier lifestyle. 

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