Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A good journey follows a map!

As January begins to wind down, many of the people who caught the fitness bug in December begin to hit a wall. Is this how you are feeling right about now? Do you feel like you are losing steam? Maybe you feel the train never even left the station!
Now is a good time to re-evaluate what you have done thus far in 2016 to meet (or exceed) your personal wellness goals. If you have not made any goals, now is the time to do it! 
Many of the times we fail because we fail to plan or we plan as if we are some super hero and not being real with ourselves. Saying "I am going to have 6 pack abs!" while you are 100 lbs overweight and drinking a liter of Cola---is NOT a realistic goal. 
Setting unrealistic goals is worse than setting NO goals because you are setting yourself up to fail, and when you inevitably do, you will feel bad about yourself and your fitness all over again. This is a vicious cycle that realistic goals can remedy very easily!
The first step to setting realistic goals is to really think about your goal and write it down. Then, ask yourself these three questions: 
  1. How big is the goal? Is your goal only attainable in three months or more? If so, make smaller goals to get you to that long-term goal. Ideally, you should be able to reach the smaller goal in two to six weeks.
  2. What does it take to achieve the goal? This question addresses your goal's frequency. If reaching your goal requires five workouts a week, but you can only get a babysitter two days a week, then you need to scale back your goal. Be realistic about what time you have to devote to the goal and be honest about your fitness level. 
  3. Can you see yourself reaching the goal? You want a program that you can stick with for the long haul—not just this week. Be completely honest with yourself and ask if you can realistically see yourself doing what it takes to achieve the goal at hand. If you can and it meets the above criteria, then you probably have a goal!

Happy goal setting and crushing!

Tiesha Braley

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